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Country Representative

Country Representative

Country Representative

Tsovinar Harutyunyan

By her first profession Tsovinar is a linguist, she studied political science and holds MA in Comparative Legal Studies at the American University of Armenia. Tsovinar has been working in the field of human rights with a focus on women’s rights and gender equality, since early 2000s. In 2013, Tsovinar joined UNFPA as a National Program Analyst. In September 2019, she became Assistant Representative and in January 2020 - Head of Office. Prior to joining UNFPA, Tsovinar worked at the OSCE for nine years. Tsovinar also has experience in NGO sector in the area of human rights.

Country Representative

By her first profession Tsovinar is a linguist, she studied political science and holds MA in Comparative Legal Studies at the American University of Armenia. Tsovinar has been working in the field of human rights with a focus on women’s rights and gender equality, since early 2000s. In 2013, Tsovinar joined UNFPA as a National Program Analyst. In September 2019, she became Assistant Representative and in January 2020 - Head of Office. Prior to joining UNFPA, Tsovinar worked at the OSCE for nine years. Tsovinar also has experience in NGO sector in the area of human rights.