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"EU 4 Gender Equality" programme unites Armenian families in fostering respectful and equal relationships

"EU 4 Gender Equality" programme unites Armenian families in fostering respectful and equal relationships


"EU 4 Gender Equality" programme unites Armenian families in fostering respectful and equal relationships

calendar_today 20 May 2024

International Day of Families celebration event in Aragatsotn Province of Armenia
International Day of Families Celebration event in Aragatsotn Province

Families from across the different communities of Aragatsotn province gathered in Talin City on the International Day of Families to celebrate family values - unity, solidarity and equality.

As part of the second phase of the "EU 4 Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence" programme, the event highlighted the collective commitment to building a society where every family member can enjoy their rights and fulfill their potential. Aragatsotn Marzpetaran, the Talin community, MLSA of Armenia, The Body Shop, and World Vision Armenia also supported the event.

A group of children actively engaged in a sports game during an International Day of Families celebration event.

During the first part of the event, families from the Aragatsotn province participated in a fun sports game, fostering harmonious relationships among family members. 

Image of a father assisting his daughter in putting on her cap in front of a banner.

"Family is a great value for all of us, and love, peace, solidarity, care and equality must always be present in our families. I know that today's event also carries these messages. Our Talin community knows very well the role and potential of women. You probably noticed the statue of a young woman at the entrance to the House of Culture. It depicts Talina, after whom our city is named," said Ruben, 44, whose family participated in the game and who also hosted the second part of the event on the stage of Talin Culture House with his 7-year-old daughter Mane.

families from the Aragatsotn province participated in a fun sports game, fostering harmonious relationships among family members

The "My Family" exhibition, featuring artworks by children from Aragatsotn Marz, showcased their diverse perceptions of family life.

The "My Family" exhibition, featuring artworks by children from Aragatsotn Marz, showcased their diverse perceptions of family life. 

"A young girl sitting and enjoying the International Day of Families event

Bruno Montariol, International Aid/Cooperation Officer at the EU Delegation to Armenia, underlined, “Today, I am a part of three different families. The first family is the European Union, where we have 27 brothers and sisters. My second family is Armenia because I am French, and believe me, you have a lot of friends in Europe and France. My last family, which is the most important, is my own family. I am lucky to have five children with the same wife and mother. I hope that during next year's event, we will have a lot of fathers because we need them in this process, and we can't celebrate Family Day without them.”

Bruno Montariol, International Aid/Cooperation Officer at the EU Delegation to Armenia giving a welcoming remark

The event stressed the significance of collaborative efforts in advancing harmony and equality within families.

Tatevik Stepanyan, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs of RA, highlighted the importance of the society's commitment, stating, "I am excited to see families with many children here because, as an aging society, we need to foster our demographic growth. However, we must also redistribute resources and responsibilities equally within the family. Today, we have reached a point where the labor rights and responsibilities of men and women are equal. Therefore, we must also ensure that the distribution of domestic work in the household is fair and equal.”

Tatevik Stepanyan, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs of RA welcoming the International Day of Families event

The highlight of the event was the premiere of the "Backward to Forward" play by the Nairyan Vocal Ensemble, which was initiated by the "EU 4 Gender Equality" programme. The play explored the role of prominent Armenian men of the 20th century in promoting gender equality and women's rights. 

Young men and women are on the theater stage, dancing during a performance about men's engagement in gender equality.

Tsovinar Harutyunyan, Head of Office, UNFPA Armenia, emphasized: "For 30 years now, this day has been a good opportunity to talk about the problems faced by families around the world. The United Nations Population Fund, together with its national and international partners, has been working for tens of years for a complete, comprehensive solution to the problems of families in Armenia, from the development and implementation of family-friendly policies to ensuring an atmosphere of solidarity and mutual respect in the families. I want to thank all partners for their long-term cooperation and for making today's event a reality."

Tsovinar Harutyunyan, Head of Office, UNFPA Armenia welcomes the event participants

The event concluded with a beautiful concert by the talented students of the Talin House of Culture.

The event concluded with a beautiful concert by the talented students of the Talin House of Culture.

This publication was produced within the second phase of the “EU 4 Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence" programme (phase 2), funded by the European Union, implemented jointly by UN Women and UNFPA. Its contents are the sole responsibility of UN Women and UNFPA and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.