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Prevalence and Causes of Gender-Biased Sex Selection in the Republic of Armenia

Prevalence and Causes of Gender-Biased Sex Selection in the Republic of Armenia
Prevalence and Causes of Gender-Biased Sex Selection in the Republic of Armenia


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UNFPA Armenia


Prevalence and Causes of Gender-Biased Sex Selection in the Republic of Armenia

Publication date

11 January 2023

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The purpose of the research on gender-biased sex selection (GBSS) in the Republic of Armenia (RA) is to identify the attitude and behavior of 18-49 years old ever-pregnant women and their family members with regard to sex-selective abortions. 

The research is to assess the prevalence and causes of sex-selective abortions in Armenia, as well as the changes and trends in this field over the past 5 years.
The research was conducted in June 2022 with a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods: document analysis, telephone interviews with 1920 ever-pregnant women aged 18-49 living in Armenia, and 5 focus group discussions involving decision-makers in the field, healthcare workers, experts, and married women and men. To enable comparative analysis, the methodology and sample size were brought in line with those of the survey conducted in 2017.

The results of the research are presented in the Report in accordance with the applied methods. First, the situation of gender-biased sex selection in Armenia and globally is referred to, followed by the results of the quantitative and qualitative studies featured in separate sections.

The research was carried out in the framework of “Addressing Gender-Biased Sex Selection and Related Harmful Practices in the South Caucasus: Support for Regional, National and South-South Interventions” project. The project is implemented by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in cooperation with the OxYGen Foundation, and is funded by the European Union and UNFPA.