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Presentation of report on "Mapping of Organizations Rendering Services to Persons with Psychosocial and Mental Health Disorders"

Presentation of report on "Mapping of Organizations Rendering Services to Persons with Psychosocial and Mental Health Disorders"


Presentation of report on "Mapping of Organizations Rendering Services to Persons with Psychosocial and Mental Health Disorders"

calendar_today 19 April 2019

On April 19, 2019, Institute of Puiblic Policy and UNFPA Armenia organizaed presentation of a report on "Mapping of Organizations Rendering Services to Persons with Psychosocial and Mental Health Disorders." The report was presented to around 50 representatives of stakeholder organizations, governmental and medical institutions, civil society organizations, and other interested parties.

The mapping was conducted and report was prepared by a group of experts, at the initiative of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Republic of Armenia and with the support of UNFPA Armenia. 

Ms. Zaruhi Batoyan, RA Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Mr. Arsen Torosyan, RA Minister of Health, and Ms. Tsovinar Harutyunyan, UNFPA Armenia Assistant Representative, delivered welcoming speeches to the participants. The discussion was moderated by Mr. Avetiq Mejlumyan, Institute of Public Policy.

Ms. Batoyan thanked UNFPA for supporting this initiative. She mentioned that there were around 50,000 people with mental health issues in the country, however, the majority of people with mental health issues no longer required treatment and mainly needed care and also self-adaptation, self-service and socialization skills.

Mr. Torosyan stressed the importance of this initiative as it would provide evidence for future policy making, as policies should always be based on evidence rather than guesses and preferances.

Ms. Harutyunyan expressed hope that the database created in the result of mapping, would become a useful tool for both industry professionals and any interested individual to be aware of what organizations and services are provided in their marzes and communities. The mapping excercise would not only be useful for its data on organizations but also for its analysis of the most widespread problems and the proposed solutions for policy makers.

"We have made our small contribution... and we hope that the results of this study will contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of people with mental health issues and to their full integration into our society," Ms. Harutyunyan said. 

Following the opening speeches, the research team presented the findings of the mapping, identified problems pertaining to mental health services in Armenia and possible solutions to them. A Q&A session was also held.

In the final part of the event, three working groups in parallel sessions discussed the deinstitutionalization of the mental health sector in Armenia and the prospects for the development of alternative (including community-based) services.